Katherine In The News
"To Raise Resilient Kids, Be a Resilient Parent," New York Times, The Well
"The Latest Research on Disciplining Children Will Make You a Better Parent—and a Better Spouse," Mother Jones
"Can Scientists Tell Me If I'm a Good Mom?" The Cut, New York Magazine
"Navigating behavioral challenges with children," Good Morning Washington, WJLA
"Why Kids' Bad Behavior Isn't All Bad News," The Morning Show, Wisconsin Public Radio
"Anxiety, Depression Skyrocketing in Kids While Discipline Flounders. What Should Parents Do?" St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"Want Better-behaved Kids? Allow Them to Mess Up, New Parenting Book Suggests," The Seattle Times
"5 Ways to Head Off a Discipline Problem So It Won't Derail Your Day," Working Mother
"Katherine Reynolds Lewis," Stand Up! with Pete Dominick
"Book Deals With Modern Kids and Undisciplined Behavior," New England Cable News
"The Good News About Bad Behavior," The Morning Blend, TMJ4
"Why Kids’ Behaviour May Be Worse Than Ever − And How To Fix It," The Globe And Mail
"The Good News About Your Child's Bad Behavior," Sheknows
"The Good News About Bad Behavior: Interview With Author Katherine Lewis," Tech Savvy Mama
The Good News About Bad Behavior," Atomic Moms Podcast
"Invisible discipline: How do you know if a parenting strategy works?" Washington Post
"Left Bank Books Event to Discuss How to Solve the Crisis of Kids' Behavior," St. Louis Magazine
"Kids Misbehaving? Sleep and Family Routines May Be to Blame," Thrive Global
"Speed Round: The Good News About Bad Behavior." The Parenting Roundabout Podcast
"It's GOOD That Your Kids Are Bad. Or Is It?" Jennifer Margulis
"Katherine Reynolds Lewis Interview" Best of Both Worlds Podcast
"Hitting It Out of the Ballpark With Your First Book" ASJA Confidential
"Tips for Raising a Resilient Child Who Doesn't Fall Apart at the Seams" The Miami Herald
"How to Fly With Young Children" NerdWallet
"PublicAffairs Acquires New Parenting Book" Adweek
"Getting Married? 5 Things Your Wedding Probably Doesn't Need" US News & World Report
"How to Handle 5 Sticky Situations with Sources" Contently
"How to Make Money Writing for the Web" Writer's Digest
Early Praise for The Book
"Journalist and parenting coach Lewis documents a crisis seen in children of all ages. . . . plenty of practical advice . . . The Good News About Bad Behavior is a great addition to public and academic library parenting collections.” —Joyce McIntosh, Booklist
“A smart, compassionate book for the 21st century parent. Forget the carrot-and-stick approach to redirecting children’s’ behavior. We can help our kids develop their inner motivation for behaving well — while simultaneously forging lasting family bonds — by following the wise guidance in BAD BEHAVIOR.” —Daniel H. Pink, author of WHEN and DRIVE
“The Good News About Bad Behavior is the book parents and teachers need in order to understand the link between empathy and genuine, human connection to positive behavioral outcomes. Lewis explains how children's lack of self-regulation and resilience is at the root of so many modern parenting dilemmas and gives practical, useful advice for how to do better for our kids.” —Jessica Lahey, author of The Gift of Failure
“Katherine Reynolds Lewis, armed with the latest behavioral science research and her eye-opening journalistic inquiry, introduces a new discipline model. ... An absolute must-read for anyone raising or teaching 'difficult' children, and insightful to anyone eager to teach kids how to regulate their own behavior and ultimately thrive in society on their own.” —Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult and Real American
“If you hate disciplining your kids with time-outs and punishments, you're in for a treat. Instead of trying to control children, this timely book shows how you can teach them to control themselves.” —Adam Grant, author of Give and Take, Originals, and Option B with Sheryl Sandberg
"Katherine Lewis has written an important book that will give hope and support to mothers and fathers who want both understanding and answers. With a parent's compassion and a journalist's rigor, she offers advice from the trenches while providing a realistic roadmap towards a better family life. Blending solid science and highly readable storytelling, The Good News About Bad Behavior is sure to become a parent must-read." —Judith Warner, author of Perfect Madness and We've Got Issues
“At a time when families are feeling pressed for time and stressed by the demands of modern living, Katherine Reynolds Lewis makes an urgent case for connection, communication and giving children space to develop their own capability. With compelling stories and research, Lewis’s book is a welcome guide through the land mines of modern parenting.” —Brigid Schulte, author of Overwhelmed and director of The Better Life Lab at New America
“The definitive book on raising children to cope with the distractions and temptations of the modern world. A must read for parents and educators looking to do things differently than in the past.” —Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and 168 Hours
“A book that is both incredibly fascinating AND insanely helpful? That's what you're holding in your hands. A great book! It is both reassuring and fantastic to know that there's a way out of bad behavior, and a very rational reason for why it exists in the first place!” —Lenore Skenazy, President of Let Grow, founder of Free-Range Kids